Students and staff of Mayfield Community School took part in Gaeilge 24, a nationwide challenge, run by Conradh na Gaeilge.

Mayfield Community School saw over 75 staff and students, all of whom wore green t-shirts supplied by Conrad na Gaeilge, participate in this initiative, however, each and every member of the school community made a huge joint effort in speaking and promoting the use of the Irish language both inside and outside the classroom. Different activities ‘as Gaeilge’ were held throughout the school day.

1st years participated in a Gaelic football blitz while 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th year students enjoyed a ‘Tráth ns gCeist’, or Table Quiz as most of us know it.

Irish teacher Ms Clíona O’Callaghan coordinated this event and said “Gaeilge 24 was a huge success and wonderful way for students to speak Irish outside of the classroom. We look forward to many other similar initiatives”


From early morning, a fantastic atmosphere was palpable all over the school. Both staff and students alike thoroughly enjoyed the day and the countdown to next year has already begun.



Click on the image below to view the slideshow

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School Arrangements following the Mid-Term Break

Following is a letter from the Board of Management of Mayfield Community School to all parents:


Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

ASTI withdrawal from Supervision and Substitution

As you are aware from the media, the ASTI has directed its members to withdraw from supervision and substitution duties with effect from 7th November 2016. Our school has a number of teachers who are members of the ASTI.

Health and Safety legislation and the in loco parentis principle place a duty of care on school management to ensure the safety, health and welfare of pupils. School management have assessed the supervision and substitution needs of the school and have put in place arrangements for the provision of supervision of pupils for Monday 7th November. These arrangements were ratified by our school’s Board of Management.

Consequently the Board of Management are pleased to inform you that Mayfield Community School will be open for all students on Monday 7th November.

ASTI Strike Day November 8th

The ASTI has also notified the Board of Management of a Strike Day on November

8th. If this strike day goes ahead as planned the Board of Management will not be in a position to discharge its responsibility with regard to the care of students in its charge. The Board reluctantly decided that it cannot guarantee the health and safety of students on the school premises on that day.

The Board of Management is therefore requesting you not to send your son/daughter to school on Tuesday November 8th.

The Board of Management will notify parents of arrangements regarding any further strike dates as they arise.

The Board of Management wishes to assure you that it will continue to make every effort to provide education and care for our pupils and values your support in this endeavour.

The Board of Management regrets this course of action is necessary.

Yours sincerely,


Secretary of the Board of Management

Urban Planning Workshop

Mayfield Community School hosted a day long event run by the urban planning institute on friday the 28th of October.
30 year four, five and six students were involved in this exciting challenging workshop.
Our students engaged in a vast array of team building exercises to come up with new and varied urban regeneration ideas.
Thanks so much to the volunteers from ARUP and all those involved.
(Click Here for more information on ARUP)
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Mad about Maths

Mad about Maths

Mad about Maths at Mayfield Community School

Students in Mayfield Community School had calculators, rulers and protractors in hand for Maths week. Fifth and sixth  year students were eager to solve complex mathematical problems on an orienteering course using QR scanners.

An obstacle course, using arithmetic, proved popular with first year students in our super sports complex and second year students were very competitive in a maths ‘Who wants to be a Millionaire’ quiz..

Third years enjoyed solving a variety of mathematical problems in a ‘Countdown’ special.

Maths games were played by students across the year groups each lunch-time during maths week and one lucky winner guessed correctly the number of sweets in the jar.

Maths coordinator Ms. O’ Sullivan praised students for their enthusiasm and said “our students can look forward to achieving excellent grades in Maths in the future. Maths week was a huge success and we are already looking forward to next year”.

School principal, Mr Kieran Golden said ” Maths week is a wonderful educational initiative and I am delighted that  so many of our students participated. It is important to provide our students with new and exciting ways of learning”. He thanked the maths department for their ongoing hard work and commitment.


A Proclamation for Ireland in 2016

The following was written by Dylan Morley, a 6th year student.

2016 Proclamation

Irishmen and Irishwomen: In the name of God, and the men and women who came before us and fought for our independence, we, the future of this proud country and the students of Mayfield Community School, share our hopes and desires for an Ireland of the future.

We believe that no citizen should be discriminated against based on the grounds of Race, Gender or Sexual Orientation. Now that same-sex marriage has been legal in Ireland since the 16th of November 2015, we urge people who are un-accepting of this, to change their mentality because Ireland is changing hers. We hope more women enter politics, as women’s rights are just as important as men’s. We hope more people of different nationalities come to live and work in Ireland so they can experience our wonderful culture and heritage.

We urge people to talk more about mental health. We want people to understand mental health is an important issue, that affects many people in Ireland everyday. We hope more information is provided to the people, especially students, on the subject of mental health. We want people to see and believe the great opportunities that are there for all of us and it is our responsibility to live our lives to the full.

We believe everyone has the right to affordable third level education. This will mean more people from disadvantaged communities will have a better chance to succeed in life and avail of the same opportunities as those who come from privileged backgrounds. We hope those who come after us have an even higher standard of education.

We think that every person has the right to affordable accommodation. We believe more shelters should be opened in order to stop homeless people from sleeping on the streets. We urge more people to get involved with charities and to help the vulnerable people who live in our society.

We hope to continue to promote our culture and heritage in order to show the rest of the world what makes Ireland so unique.

We make this declaration of our hopes and desires for our country, while reflecting on those who fought before us, who gave us the opportunity to aspire to better Ireland. We look forward to the next 100 years of celebrating being citizens of this proud country.

Dylan Morley

An Turas go dtí an Amharclann agus an Gailearaí Ealaíne

An Turas go dtí an Amharclann agus an Gailearaí Ealaíne – le Shelly Cashman

Ar an deichiú la de mhí Deireadh Fomhair 2016 chuaigh daltaí ón gceathrú, ón gcúigiú agus ón séú bhliain ar thuras go dtí an ‘Everyman Palace theatre’ chun an drama An Triail a fheiscint. Caithfidh na daltaí staidéar a dhéanamh ar an dráma seo i gcomhair na Ardteiste. Bhí an dráma ag na daltaí as béarla chun a bheith in ann é a leanúint. Fuaireamar na ticéidí don dráma saor in aisce mar bhí gcomórtas postéir agus bhí orainn postéir a chur le chéile  i gcomhair an dráma. Bhuaigh Ryan Long sa séú bhliain an chomórtas. Bhronnadh an postéir i fráma ar Ryan Long ag deireadh an dráma. Tógadh griangraifanna don nuachtán agus suíomh an amharclann. Bhain na daltaí an taitneamh as an dráma agus fuair Ryan taibléid nua mar duais i gcomhair an phostéir. Úsáidtear an postéir timpeall na tíre seo don dráma. Chuaigh siad ar aghaidh ansin go dtí an gailearaí ealaíne ‘Crawford’ i lar na cathrach. Ta orthu aiste a scríobh faoi gailearaí ealaíne sa scrudú. Bhi clár fáiscthe ag gach dalta chun notaí a thógaint ar na h-ealantóirí mar caithfidh siad staidéar a dhéanamh air.  Bhí turas treoraithe timpeall an gailearaí again. Chuaigh Iníon Uí Bhrádaigh, Iníon Uí Cheallacháin agus Máistir Ó Parle ar an turas lena daltaí. Bhí an turas an tairbheach ar an iomlán do na daltaí agus bhaineamar an taitneamh as.



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TY Trip to Spike Island

TY Trip to Spike Island

One of the great things about Transition Year is that the students get to experience a whole range of activities and trips that would not happen otherwise.

On Friday 16th our TYs had a great trip to Spike Island – have a look at the photos below…

(click on any photo to open a slideshow)


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Opening of the year assembly

Students and teachers, you are all very welcome back to the start of a new school year. We all begin the new year with great hopes and expectations. It is our best hopes for you that all of you reach your full potential this year. We especially welcome our First Years who are coming to a new school. For some of you, it’s a big change as you are in a bigger school and for the first time in a while, you are now the youngest people in the school. We know that you will settle in soon and that you will make new friends and get the chance to experience new subjects. We would like to thank our senior school leaders who are members of Meitheal who helped the first years last week as part of the first year Induction Programme.

We congratulate our Leaving Cert class of last year on their results and we wish them well as they continue their education in the Engineering and Commerce classes in UCC and the CIT, in the many courses in the Further Education Colleges and we also wish those who have started in the world of work long and successful careers. For those of you who are studying for the Leaving Certificate, your journey continues in every class and in the supervised classes that are starting after school today.

It’s important for all of us that we get into good routines and habits right from the start.

  • All of us are in school for 8.45 8.50 every morning. Any students late for school will have to make up time and will be detained on the same day. Be on time for school every day.
  • You must be organised for school. You may go to your lockers before school or during the lunch breaks. You may not go your locker during class time. You can go to your locker up to 8.58, from 11.00 – 11.14 and from 1.16 – 1.43 and after school
  • All students line up for class in twos outside the classroom and you enter under the direction of your teacher
  • Remember you must be on time for all classes. You are organised and when you are in your seat, you take out your copy, book and any other materials you need for class.
  • Class time is a mobile phone free zone. Keep your mobile phone, if you have one, out of sight. If you take it out during class time, the phone will be confiscated and you may get it back from the main office at the end of the school day. If it happens a second time, your phone will be returned to you the following day. If it happens a third time, your parent will have to come in the following day to collect the phone. You do not need your phone in class.
  • Our school looks well thanks to all of us here. All students eat their food in the Main Cafeteria except our senior students who have the option to eat in their mall. This is a privilege and it must be respected by all. Thanks to all of you who respect our school and use the many bins placed throughout the school.

By being on time and ready for class, you will learn something new every day. Pupil learning is important in our school.

Getting involved in school – wearing our full school uniform every day, living up to our school motto, Meas ar Gach Chraobh Respect for All, will ensure that you feel good about yourself and you help others to feel well also. Get involved in the clubs, before school, our Breakfast Club, during lunch time and after school. Keeping well mentally and physically, being fit and active matters for all of us.

Have a good year and give us every reason to celebrate and acknowledge the good things that you do in school. In a few weeks time our Gradam night celebrates student success over the year. It should be your ambition to be part of that night. Give your teachers every opportunity to give you praise when you deserve it.

We wish you all well and every success in the year ahead.