Third Year Priorities

Here is important information for Third Year parents, guardians and students.


  • Junior Certificate Examinations are scheduled to take place in June 2021. The advice from the Exams Commission is to continue as normal.
  • All schools are preparing their students for this outcome.

What happens if the exams are cancelled?

  • In the unlikely event that exams are cancelled the Junior Cert grades will be awarded by teacher based assessments.
  • This will be drawn from evidence including tests throughout the year. 
  • Evidence can also be gathered from CBAs, classroom engagement, attendance and homework.

Exam Entries

  • Junior Certificate Examinations will be Common level except for English, Maths & Irish which will continue to be Higher & Ordinary.
  • For this year only Woodwork, Metalwork and Technical Graphics will also be Higher & Ordinary.
  • Exam level entries will be based on performance in the Christmas Tests and the Pres in February.
  • Most teachers, where possible, will enter students for the Higher level at first, and then by consultation with students and parents, decide on a final level after the Pre-Certificate exam.
  • Sitting Higher level in Junior Cert means you can sit Higher in Leaving Cert. If you do Ordinary level at Junior Cert it is unlikely you can do Higher at Leaving Cert.


  • There have been changes to Classroom Based Assessments (CBAs).
  • In most subjects, one is required. This is different across the subjects. A CBA could be oral, practical or written.
  • Some CBAs have already been completed.
  • For those CBAs that have not been completed, the teachers are planning to do so before the deadlines. Deadlines are as follows:
    • 20th Nov 2020 – Visual Art. 
    • 4th Dec 2020 – Modern Foreign Languages.
    • 12th March 2021 – English, Science, Business Studies, Mathematics, History, Geography, Irish, Home Economics, Music.
  • CBAs must be completed in order for the Junior Certificate to be complete.


  • Attendance and punctuality is crucial to success.
  • Research tells us that every 10% of days missed, the students grade falls by one level.
  • Being in school and in lessons is most important but engagement in lessons must happen. This is ‘active learning’.
  • Attendance and focus in class and doing all the work set is crucial to avoid gaps in learning.


  • Homework and revision are also central to success. 
  • Homework cannot be corrected in the conventional way but can be viewed and commented on online.
  • Many teachers are using Google Classroom to set and review homework.
  • Revision requires a timetable. The school will provide a revision schedule for students.
  • Past papers will also be provided. The cost will be subsidized by the school.
  • There will be a 20 euro charge.
  • There are revision sites for the students to use. Studyclix and Revisewise. Some are free. We will be posting a list of recommended sites on our social media platforms.
  • We cannot offer Homework Club or Study Support this year due to Covid restrictions. However, we will ask for parental interest before Christmas and depending on the response see what we can provide.


  • It is great news about a vaccine, but it is unlikely to change the protocols in school this year so we will have to continue to work under difficult conditions.
  • Most students have been excellent in adhering to the Covid regulations – sanitizing, mask wearing and social distancing.
  • However, teachers report that recently masks have been slipping. Please ensure masks fit properly and cover the mouth and nose.
  • Also, to avoid contact at lockers students should have their books for 3 lessons ready.

The Future

  • This year has been very difficult for the current TY classes as they have missed out on the range of activities usually offered to Transition Year.
  • Hopefully, there will be some normality back next year.
  • But students need to look beyond TY and think about what happens at Leaving Cert and beyond. Will it be an apprenticeship, college or employment. Whatever the avenue you choose, study now makes a difference.
  • Have conversations with your son or daughter about the future.
  • Success in Junior Cert reflects in success at Leaving Cert. Good habits need to continue and bad habits need to be changed.
  • Remember, there are many bursaries and funding for further education, for those students who demonstrate hard work and endeavour. 

Wearing of Face Coverings

From: The Association of Community And Comprehensive Schools:

Clarification on the use of face coverings in Post Primary schools
Wearing a face covering or mask does not negate the need to stay at home if symptomatic.

Wearing of face coverings – a requirement
Staff and students, at post-primary level, are required to wear a face covering.

Cloth face coverings
Cloth face coverings are recommended for staff and students. Cloth face coverings act as a barrier to help prevent respiratory droplets from travelling into the air and onto other people when the person wearing the face covering coughs, sneezes, talks or raises their voice. Cloth face coverings are therefore intended to prevent transmission of the virus from the wearer (who may not know
that they are infected) to those with whom they come into close contact.

Face coverings must not contain any slogans/logos/images that may cause upset or be deemed offensive to any member of the school community.

Directions for effective use of face coverings

  • Information should be provided by schools on the proper use, removal, and washing of face coverings. Advice on how to use face coverings properly can be found here.
  • All staff and students should be reminded not to touch the face covering and to wash or sanitise their hands (using hand sanitiser) before putting on and after taking off the face covering.
  • Face coverings should be stored in a designated space, for example, in an individually labelled container or bag.
  • Cloth face coverings should be washed after every day of use and/or before being used again, or if visibly soiled.
  • Face coverings should not be worn if they are wet. A wet cloth face covering may make it difficult to breathe.

For the Class of 2020

Attention Parents and Students of the class of 2020
Leaving Certificate results are available from 9am on 7th September 2020  at the Student Portal on will need their examination number, PPS number and account password.

Ms O Regan, your Guidance Counsellor will be available to you from 9 am on Monday.
Please email Ms O Regan or call the school to arrange a meeting.

For more information, please see this booklet:

Letter to Parents

Dear parents
We hope that you are keeping well. Since our last letter to you on the 14th August, we have continued to work hard to get our school ready for reopening.
Our priority is to minimise any potential introduction of Covid-19 into our school.

We would like to remind you that;

  • Visitor access to the school will be very limited. Parents can only be allowed access if an appointment has been made.
  • Any student who has been abroad to countries outside the Green List are required to quarantine for a full two weeks before they return to school.
  • Parents should remain vigilant around symptoms and keep their children isolated at home if they are experiencing flu like symptoms.

Our safety matters and with this in mind, we are introducing the following measures:

  • All students must sanitise their hands when they enter our school.
  • There are 75 Hand Sanitising point clearly identified around our school
  • To avoid crowds, students will be designated an entry and exit point at the start and end of each school day. These entry / exit points will be clearly identified for the students during our first week back in school
  • Please arrive at school as close as possible to 8.55am and once your son / daughter is in school, they must go straight to class.
  • All classes will remain in their classroom for tuition and lunchtimes.
  • All students will be allocated a specific seat in their base classroom.
  • Lockers have been moved into the rooms and each student will be allocated their own individual locker.
  • Year Groups will remain together in pods around the building e.g. Fifth Years will be based in B05 and B07. The students will remain in those classes for the majority of their classes.
  • The students will have to move to subjects such as Art, PE, Computer Science etc.
  • Classes will be allocated designated toilet facilities specifically for certain Year Groups close to their respective pod area.

A reminder that students must wear MASKS in school. If your son/daughter cannot wear
a mask for medical reasons then you must provide a medical cert to the school before your
son/daughter returns to school.

Thank you for your full support and we are looking forward to seeing your son / daughter
back in our school

Take care
Kieran Golden, Kathleen Daly

Message from our Principal Returning to School

Friday 14th August 2020

Dear Parents,

I hope that this message finds you all well. We fully understand that the last few months have been very different to what we have been used to in our lives and in our schools. We have missed seeing and hearing our students around the school and we are really looking forward to welcoming all our students back at the end of this month.

We are working hard to make sure that our school will be safe for all students and staff. The guidance provided by the Department of Education and Skills is comprehensive and detailed.

Our priority is to minimise the risk of the introduction of Covid -19 to the school and if introduced, to manage the risk of spread. In the event of a student showing any symptoms, the student will be removed from class and brought to our newly designated isolation room. Parents will be contacted immediately and asked to bring their son / daughter home and you are advised to make immediate phone contact with your GP.

Our school is open to essential visitors only. Parents can only come to school once an appointment has been made and only adults can attend the scheduled meeting.

As of today, Friday 14th August, our plans include:

 School uniforms are to be worn by all students every day. In line with public health guidelines, we would ask you to wash the school uniform frequently.
 We are reconfiguring all our classroom furniture to ensure that students are one metre apart.
 We are advising all our students to bring face masks with them to school. Further guidance in relation to the wearing of the mask will be issued closer to our re-opening.
 We are asking all students to bring in their own materials such as biros, rulers and calculators. The sharing of materials is not advised.
 Lockers will only be available to students at strict designated times. The lockers are being separated and will be placed at strategic points around the school.
 We have dispensers placed at each entrance to our school and a dispenser is placed in each classroom
 All our existing toilets have been upgraded including hot water and soap being available. We have also added three new toilet facilities to our school.
 All students will remain within the school grounds for both lunches. Student Year Groups will have designated lunch areas for both morning and main lunch.
 Our Book Rental Scheme will continue to operate for all students

The following is our Start Up Schedule :
• Thurs Aug 27th – Staff Induction
• Fri Aug 28th – Sixth Year Induction: 11.30am – 12.30pm
• Mon Aug 31st – Fifth Year including LCAs 9.45am – 10.30am First Year 11.30am – 12.30pm
• Tues Sept 1st – Second Years 9.45am First Year 11.30am – 12.30pm
• Weds Sept 2nd – 9.45am – 10.45am Transition Year 11.30am – 12.15pm
• Thurs Sept 3rd – Sixth Year 9.45am – 10.30am First Year 11.30am – 12.30pm
• Fri Sept 4th – All years
There is no doubt that we will face many challenges. We are however very confident in our ability to overcome these challenges with your help and with your support.

Yours faithfully

Kieran Golden

Creative ideas for the Summer

Creative ideas for the Summer

Dear friends of Creative Ireland,


I wanted to update you on plans for Cruinniú na nÓg 2020 – Ireland’s national day of free creative activities for children and young people under the age of 18.


Over the past 2 years Cruinniú na nÓg has become a key point in the calendar for children and young people to try something creative, develop an appetite for discovery and acquire new skill, 2020 will be no different.  In light of ongoing public health restrictions we’re inviting young people to celebrate our culture and creativity and to take part in a virtual Cruinniú on Saturday 13th June.


Cruinniú na nÓg 2020 is a collaboration between the Creative Ireland Programme, local authorities and RTÉ.


We’re delighted to announce that 300 + events will be happening in the run up to and on the day itself.  

These will feature on our website .  RTE School Hub, TRTE on RTE2, RTE Culture and RTE social media will also carry our content.  


Some creative efforts are already in train like 


  • Glen Hansard teaching singer songwriter workshops.


  • Fighting Words and the Great Lighthouses of Ireland had an astonishing 1300 entries for their storytelling call. Submissions have come from every part of Ireland.  A team of staff and professional editors donating their time are proofreading and copy editing the stories. The Fighting Words illustrator team are providing illustrations that will be included in the digital magazine on Saturday June 13th, with children’s own illustrations. Three separate volumes of Become A Young Storykeeper will be published in June, July and August 2020. Each volume will have 250 submissions. A lucky ten story entries will be made into animations and will be ready for June 13th.


  • A radio series and podcast ‘My Creative Life’ featuring young people of all ages from around Ireland will air throughout the summer.  


There are a number of creative “calls to action” which young people – indeed entire families – can create in their own homes and gardens.    I’d be grateful if you would share the details and links among your own networks and encourage as many children to get creative for Cruinniú:



  • Céilí in the Kitchen – A collective call to action for young people and their families to create a Céilí in their kitchen for Cruinniú, with Áirc Damhsa, who will guide us through the Irish tradition of these communal social events that take place in houses.  



On the 13th of June you won’t have to leave the house to join a Céilí, you can have one right there in your own home.  All you have to do is push back the kitchen table, put the chairs against the wall and you’re good to go. Creative Ireland with the help of choreographer Edwina Guckian, singer Cathy Jordan, musician Thomas Johnston and storyteller Mikel Murfi are putting together weekly video workshops from May 18th that will make sure you have all you need for a great night of traditional music, song, dance and storytelling. The children at Áirc Damhsa will also be showcasing daily their preparations for Céilí in the Kitchen with videos of performances and tutorials for you to enjoy. The whole family can learn together and then on the 13th of June share your Céilí using #CreativeIreland.



  • Let’s Go Fly a Kite – A collective call to action for children, young people and their families to make and fly a kite for Cruinniú. 



The Design and Crafts Council Ireland have joined forces with Creative Ireland to design a kite that anyone can make at home. All you need is some sticks, some newspaper, some string and a whole lot of imagination. Why not decorate in your county colours, or decorate it with pictures of your favourite pop star? From the 15th May, a series of webinars and videos will guide you and your family through fun ways to make a kite.




  • Create a Video Game App – If you could click your fingers and create a video game app, what would it be? A racing game or a coin collector? A target game or a platform? The choice is endless and it’s time for you to decide.


In addition, local authorities will also be hosting a range of cultural and creative activities and online events for Cruinniú na nÓg – full details of the 300+ events available on our special Cruinniú website



Many thanks


Tania Banotti


Clár Éire Ildánach

Creative Ireland Programme Office


Áras an tSeoighigh, 8-11 Sráid Lombard Thoir, Baile Átha Cliath 2.

Joyce House, 8-11 Lombard Street East, Dublin 2.



Leaving Certificate Calculated Grades Portal

As part of the Calculated Grades process, the Department of Education and Skills asks all Leaving Cert and Leaving Cert Applied students to opt-in to the calculated grades process.

The full instructions can be viewed by clicking on this link

Before you begin, make sure you have the following:

  • Pen and Paper
  • Exam Number
  • PPS Number
  • Email address (Make sure it’s one you will be able to access over the next few months)
  • Your phone number

When you are satisfied that you have those, go to:

Step 1.
  • Go to
  • scroll down the page until you get to the green box that says ‘Register using Candidate Number and Pin’.
  • Click on this
  • Enter your Exam number and THE FIRST FOUR digits of your PPS (This is your PIN)
  • Click on ‘Confirm Identity’
Step 2.
  • This brings you to the ‘Registration Step 2’ Page.
  • In here you need to create your account
  • Enter your email address and your telephone number.  They will be used to confirm your identity and account.
  • Create a password.
  • Click the ‘Create’ Button.
  • You will be sent a confirmation email
If you are an LCA student you are now finished the process.
Step 3.
  • Open your confirmation email and click on the link
  • Now go back to :
  • Scroll down the page
  • Click on ‘Log In To Confirm Your Subject Levels’
  • Enter your exam number and the password that you have just created.
  • This will bring you to a screen showing you the subjects and levels that you registered for in February.
  • Check that your subject levels are correct
  • It is possible to change a subject downwards.
  • It IS NOT POSSIBLE to change a subject upwards.  If you were registered incorrectly for a subject, you need to send an email to
  • At the end of the page click on the ‘Submit Confirmed Levels’ button
You will now receive an email confirming the subjects and levels that you are registered for.

Good Luck!


Updates for Leaving Certificate 2020 from our Principal

Information for our Leaving Certificate Class 2020

We will continue to support our Leaving Certificate class in every way that is permitted and appropriate in the coming weeks. Ms O’Regan, our Guidance Counsellor, Mr Hurley, our School Chaplain and Ms Daly will answer any questions you may have regarding student support and guidance. I will answer any questions you may have regarding the examination process.

Our Leaving Certificate students remain students of our school until the end of the school term. In terms of the school’s role in supporting the wellbeing of Leaving Certificate students, this support will remain available until the end of the school term (31st May 2020).

Our Guidance Counsellor is permitted to continue to provide guidance counselling support to 6th year students (1:1 and small group work). Guidance counselling support may be provided to students wishing to discuss their social personal, education and career concerns. However, In advance of any planned interaction with students a clear statement must be communicated to students and parents/guardians that the guidance counsellor will not be engaging in discussions regarding the calculated grading process or potential marks awarded by teachers.

Guidance Counsellors, teachers and students may not discuss the student’s achievement in the subject over the past two years.  Nor can they discuss the student’s ranking in a class, or their estimated mark or the level at which an estimated mark is to be provided in a subject. All conversations between Leaving Certificate students and members of the School’s Student Support Team, during this time, need to be prefaced with a statement such as the following:

‘As part of our conversation today we are prohibited from having any discussion about student achievement over the past 2 years, student ranking in a class, student’s estimated mark  or the level an estimated mark is to be provided in a subject.  If our conversation strays into speaking about any of these matters, our meeting will have to cease immediately.’ 

I would ask you all to take note of the following important points:

  1. Canvassing

On Monday, 11thMay,  the Department of Education and Skills has issued the following statement regarding canvassing:

One of the fundamental principles of the calculated grades model is fairness – both to the individual student and to the students in the school as a whole. Any attempt to influence teachers in relation to the process of Leaving Certificate calculated grades is considered to be entirely inappropriate and will be regarded as canvassing.

  1. End of Tuition for 6th Year/Final Year Students

At a meeting this afternoon Department officials stated that a message would post on their FAQ section indicating that all tuition for 6th Year/Final Year LC/LCA/LCVP students is to end today May 11th .  Teachers should not accept any additional material from this date submitted by students for consideration as part of their estimated mark.

  1. Student Opportunity to Change Subject Levels

The Department has indicated that students will have the opportunity to change subject levels.  The SEC are developing a protocol which may involve the student indicting their desire to change level through a self-service portal for students.  Teachers should not contact students to consider changing level in a subject but should await further guidance from the Department when available.