Visit to Glen Resource Centre

Visit to the Glen Resource Centre

On Friday last, the 18th of September, 30 students from 2nd Year took part in an Activities Session based in the Glen Resource Centre.
The students were divided into two groups and got to take part in a number of fun team building exercises. The Gladiator Challenge was the first activity, in which the students challenged each other in a vertical assault course. Speed is not always the quickest way to the top and teamwork plays a vital part.
The Glen Resource Centre has designed unique Team Building Activities, taking elements from traditional Team Building activities and mixing them with elements used in well-known T.V. Programmes such as the “Survivor Series” and “I’m a celebrity get me out of here”.
Students then took part in an activity called “Create the Stack”. In groups of 3, students build a tower of crates as high as they can. You have to stand on top of the crates as you build, rising with the tower without falling. This was a very enjoyable activity for the students which challenged their teamwork abilities and communication.
Finally the students got to finish the session by getting to go Snow Tubing on the outdoor ski slope which was a very enjoyable way to end a great session. A special thank you to the staff at the Glen Resource Centre for providing such a great session and to all the students who represented the school excellently.
Opening of School Year, 2015

Opening of School Year, 2015

Address to School Assembly 2015

Good morning students and teachers. We are here this morning coming together as a school community for the first time this school year. This is my first time speaking to you all as our school Principal.
I am delighted to be the Principal of Mayfield Community School. It is a school full of students with great potential and a school where your teachers will make sure that you will fulfil that potential. Working with your teachers, you are all capable of great things. I would like to welcome all of you back to our school and I would like to especially welcome our two First Year classes, Class Pádraig and Class Deirdre to our school.

I would like to welcome our new Deputy Principal, Ms. Casey. Ms Casey brings with a lot of wisdom and experience and that wisdom and experience will help all of us make our school community even stronger.

I want all of you to focus in on three things:

  • PUPIL LEARNING – Be clear what have you learned in school today, what you are learning in class. See and take the opportunity to learn in every class.
  • PUPIL SUCCESS – I challenge all of you to succeed in school and in activities outside school. Our school community will congratulate you and celebrate your successes.
  • PUPIL WELL BEING – Feeling good about ourselves is important. Always encourage each other, call each other by their first name and look out for each other. If you see something that you do not like, tell that person to stop and / or tell a teacher.

We will learn, we will succeed and we will feel good about ourselves when:

We come to class with a positive attitude – This means showing up to school on time. Paying attention in class. Doing your homework. Studying for exams. Staying out of trouble.

Always have with you, your school journal, copy, book, biro and relevant materials e.g. a Maths set for your Maths class

Always be ready to learn

I would like to remind you that during our small break, all students must stay within the school campus. If you leave the school grounds during the small break, you will be detained at the end of the school day. For our Junior School students there is NO EATING OR DRINKING in the Malls. Senior students may have that privilege initially and I hope that you keep it.

Doing well in school has never been more important. I’m sure there will be times in the months ahead when you’re staying up late cramming for a test, or dragging yourselves out of bed on a rainy morning, and wondering if it’s all worth it. Let me tell you, there is no question about it. Nothing will have as great an impact on your success in life as your education.

More and more, the kinds of opportunities that are open to you will be determined by how far you go in school. In other words, the farther you go in school, the farther you’ll go in life.

So remember,

Come to school with a positive attitude

Bring with you your school journal, books, biros and materials

Always be ready to learn

I wish all of you every success in the year ahead.

Thank you.

Mr. K. Golden