Parent/Guardians of Third Year Students

Dear Parents / Guardians,

The Junior Certificate examinations are fast approaching for Third Year students. Every year Mayfield offers students the opportunity to purchase past papers books at a discounted price. For one payment of 20 euros per student, class teachers will provide a past papers book.

There is also access to teacher-led supervised study sessions after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 4-5.30 pm.. These sessions are run at a cost 20 euros per term, and hot food is provided.

On Mondays we have subject specific support. This begins on Monday 15th November 4-4.45pm. This is free of charge.

Payments for the past papers should be made to their class teacher at the nearest opportunity. A receipt will be issued by the Year Head when the payment is received.

Yours sincerely

James McMurtry

Head of Third Year