National HEAR/ DARE Information Day

The HEAR Application Information Session 2023 will take place online on Saturday 14 January at 12.30pm to 2.30pm

Each session will be broadcast on Zoom for 90 minutes

This session includes a general presentation on HEAR and how to apply to it, as well as a Questions and Answers session on how to make a successful application. It will also provide an opportunity for you and/or your parent(s)/ guardian(s) to meet members of the HEAR team online and find out how the scheme works. You will be able to ask questions about the application process through the Q&A function and can submit questions in advance to be answered by a panel of HEAR Advisors

Registration for HEAR:

The DARE Application Information Session 2023 will take place online on Saturday 14 January at 10.00 am to 12.30pm.

This session includes a general presentation on DARE and how to apply to it, as well as a Questions and Answers session on how to make a successful application. It will also provide an opportunity for you and/or your parent(s)/ guardian(s) to meet members of the DARE team online and find out how the scheme works. You will be able to ask questions about the application process through the Q&A function and can submit questions in advance to be answered by a panel of DARE Advisors

Registration for DARE: 

MTU HEAR Information Session

MTU Cork Access Service will be running an information session on HEAR (Higher Education Access Route Education) application process during College Awareness Week.                             

The Higher Education Access Route (HEAR) is a college and university scheme which offers places on reduced points and extra college support to school leavers, resident in the Republic of Ireland, who are under represented at Higher Education due to their socio-economic background. HEAR has been set up by a number of colleges and universities as evidence shows that long term poverty can have a negative effect on how well a student does at school and whether they go on to college. HEAR applicants must meet a range of financial, social and cultural indicators to be considered for a reduced points place and extra college support.

Date & Time

The event will take place in IT1 Berkely Centre, Bishopstown Campus from 6.00pm to 7.00pm


Booking must be made using the following link

If you have any queries please email

DARE Information Talks

Dear all

Just a reminder that the MTU Cork campus DARE (Disability Access Route to Education) and DSS supports information talks are taking place later this month.

Fifth year and Leaving Certificate students, parent/guardians/supports and teachers are welcome to book a place.

Booking is essential and will close 24-48 hours before the event date. Please feel free to circulate this email and poster to anyone who may interested.

  • Information on how DARE offers are made and places available on each MTU course are at
  • Any DARE queries can be sent to and will be treated confidentially.  Please note as the Disability Support Service is extremely busy meeting MTU students, we are not able to return calls at the moment.

Open Night

We had an amazing turnout for our Open Night on Tuesday 13th September.
Huge credit goes to our current and past pupils who came along to help out and demonstrate our facilities and the pathways to higher education from Mayfield Community School.

VSware Access

We are currently rolling out VSware access for parents/guardians of first year students.
VSware can be accessed using a laptop or a phone.
To use VSware on a laptop, go to and use the access details that have been sent to you by text message.

To use VSware on your phone, please go to your app store and look for the VSware app.

VSware have published a series of guides for parents – CLICK HERE to view them.

  • Open VSware
  • Click on the ‘reset password’ link
  • Type in your username
  • Type in the last 4 digits of your phone number
  • You should get a verification link
  • Use this link to set a new password
  • Your new password should be 8 characters long
    • At least one capital letter
    • At least one small letter
    • At least one number
    • At least one special symbol !*

School Tour

We are delighted to be able to provide the details for our school tour this year. The tour is open to Transition year and fifth year students.

We will depart from Dublin at 6:15 AM on Saturday 29th April
Return to Dublin at 23:55 on Tuesday 2nd May


  • Bus from Mayfield to Dublin Airport
  • Fly to Milan
  • 3 nights Bed & Breakfast accommodation in Lake Garda
  • 3 evening meals at the airport
  • Use of our own coach for the tour
  • Guided tour of Venice
  • Water taxi in Venice
  • Visit to Juliet’s House
  • A bowling trip
  • Entrance to the Roman arena in Verona
  • A sightseeing trip on Lake Garda
  • Entrance to Gardaland (subject to opening dates)

The price for the tour will be €600 plus whatever spending money your son/daughter wishes to bring.

A deposit of €200 will be required by the end of September, with a further payment of €100 due in October

What Next?

If you wish to reserve a place on this tour, please fill in this form.

Please note that this is a school tour, and that students will be expected to comply with our school code of behaviour. Students who fail to comply with our code will not be accepted on the tour. There are 25 places available.

Once we have our list of students, the tour company will set up an online payment system. As a school we will not be taking the payments for the trip.

Make sure that your son/daughter has an up-to-date passport

Ensure that they have a European Health Insurance Card (Click here for more information)

Mayfield Students take part in Poetry Project

This year Mayfield Community School, along with five other secondary schools from Cork city, was chosen to participate in Cork City Library’s Poetry Project. Under the turorage of Paul Casey from the well known Cork poetry platform Ó Bhéal ,TY students worked throughout the year to compose and compile poems which would be included in “The Unfinished Book of Poetry.”The book was launched in Cork City Library on 4th May by Councillor Derry Canty representing the Lord Mayor of Cork. The City Librarian, Community Arts Officer as well as students and teachers from all six participating schools were also in attendance, as the young poets read a selection of their inspirational words. Lily Stevens of Mayfield C.S. was among six students chosen to have her work featured in Cork City Libraries’ Poetry in the Parks project which will be launched on June 11th in Tramore Valley Park. Her acrostic poems UKRAINE and MOTHER will be published on a large poster installation to be displayed in  the three main city parks as well as on the Ó Bhéal website.

Internet Safety Talk

Thank you for joining Avril Ronan last Monday night for her webinar on Gaming and Social networks, keeping it safe and fun for young people.

Below is the recording, Watch it back or please pass it on to friends, family and local school/communities.

Don’t forget, everything you need to enable your family to be online in safe, secure and responsible ways are available at your fingertips.  (All of our internet safety work community is FREE)

  • Other webinars you might be interested in (hosted by my boss Lynette Owens)
  • Next webinar: Monday 7.30pm April 11th Dealing with Screen Time Challenges
    • email reminder with ZOOM details will be send to you the week before

Letter to Parents

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I hope you and our students had a good midterm break.

As you know, in the last few days, the Government issued new public health advice coming into effect from Monday 28 th February. The Government has accepted the recommendations of NPHET to remove remaining restrictions relating to mask-wearing and physical distancing in schools. As the general requirement for physical distancing in society no longer applies, schools are no longer required to maintain class pods and bubbles. This will allow a number of our students to have their hot meals in our school cafeteria with other class groups.

Some students and staff may wish to continue to wear a mask and some students and staff may decide not to wear a mask. This is their personal choice. In our school, we will respect each person’s choice.

At the same time, we are very aware that COVID-19 is still very much with us and so certain control measures will continue to be in place:

Sanitising – We will ask all students to sanitise at the main entrances and before going into their classrooms

Ventilation – Our classroom doors will remain open and classroom windows will remain partially open

Students lunch breaks – Students will continue to get hot meals during the big break under the supervision of their teachers

The requirement to stay at home if a student has symptoms or if a student test positive remains.

We will not use our changing rooms in our Sports Complex for PE yet. Students will be allowed to wear their PE clothes on the day they are timetabled for PE. This will be reviewed over the coming weeks. Please ensure that your child is in full uniform on non-PE days.

On behalf of all staff, I want to sincerely thank you for the measures you have taken over the past two years to keep all of us in our school community safe. We continue to rely on your support of and compliance with the measures in place to reduce the introduction of COVID into the school and to reduce the risk of COVID spreading within the school.

The removal of restrictions is a welcome message of hope and confidence.

Your continued cooperation is, as always, very much acknowledged and appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Kieran Golden Kathleen Daly