Scoil úrnua is ea Gaelcholáiste an Ghoirt Álainn le foireann óg fuinniúil. Tá sé suite I Scoil Phobail Ghort Álainn agus tá na seomraí, idir ghinearálta agus phraiticiúil feistithe go maith leis na háiseanna agus an trealamh is déanaí. Táimid tiomanta don oideachas is fearr agus is fairsinge is féidir a chur ar fáil d’ár ndaltaí uile. Cuirimid réime cuimsitheach ábhar ar fáil ag leibhéil an Teastas Shóisearaigh agus réimse leathan imeachtaí seach-churaclaim freisin. Tréimhse spreagúil dúinn í.
Gaelcholáiste an Ghoirt Álainn is a newly established school with a young and energetic staff. It is situated in Mayfield Community School, with both general and practical rooms fitted out with up to date equipment and facilities. We are dedicated to providing the best and broadest education possible for all our students. We provide a range of subjects at Junior Certificate level as well as an array of extra-curricular activities. It has been a very exciting time for us.
An focal is tábhachtaí inár pobail ná ‘Meas’. Bíonn sé á múineadh againn dár mac léinn gach lá ar scoil. Beidh ar gach uile dalta a bheith ag caint le chéile ar bhealach an-bhéasach agus beidh air/uirthi meas a léiriú de gach duine comh maith chun áit slán sábhailte a chruthú do do pháiste.
With ‘Meas‘ or ‘respect’ being the most important word in our school community. It is actively taught to our students each and every day. We expect our students to speak to each other and treat each other with respect so that your child will always feel safe and secure in our school.
I nGaelcholáiste Ghort Álainn is duine linn gach dalta. Déanaimid freastal ar riachtanais phearsanta, shóisialta, oideachasúla agus spioradálta dó páiste leis an gclár tréadchúram, cuirimid romham athne phearsanta a chur ar gach dalta mar dhuine. Tá aithne ag na scoláirí ar namúinteoirí agus támuinín acu astu. Tá a fhios acu go mbeidh gach tacaíocht agus cabhair ar fáildóibh in uair na práinne. Tá múinteoir ranga ag gach dalta le dul I gcomhairle leis/léi más gá, agus bíonn doras na fáilte ar leathadh I gcónaí do thuismitheoirí. Tá Comhairleoir Treorach again agus foireann oilte tacaíochta.
In Gaelcholáiste Ghort Álainn each student is an individual. We look after your child’s personal, social, educational and spiritual needs through our pastoral care programme. The philosophy of our school is get to know each student on an individual basis. As our smaller class groups facilitate this, we are in a position to really get to know our students. Students know and trust the teaching staff and know that they are guaranteed every support and assistance if they experience any personal difficulties. Students have a class teacher to confide in when necessary and we have an open door policy for parents. The school has a very effective Pastoral Care Team which includes trained support staff.