Dear Leaving Certificate student,
In a press release, issued on Wednesday, 17th February, the Minister for Education, Norma Foley TD confirmed that Leaving Certificate 2021 will go ahead. You can read the full text of the Press Release in the link below:
Outline of Arrangements for 2021 Leaving Certificate
1. Written Leaving Certificate examinations will be held as outlined in the timetable published by the State Examinations Commission. A copy of the timetable is posted on our school website and can be seen at
2. Every student will be offered and can decide to avail of either or both of the following:
(a) Sitting and receiving grades in the Leaving Certificate exams including where applicable, your performance in the completion of additional assessment components (coursework, orals etc) associated with particular subjects.
(b) Receiving a State Examinations Commission Accredited Grade in each subject , based on the school’s estimate of the student’s likely performance in the conventional exams.
3. This Accredited Grades system, to be operated by the SEC, will be available whereby Leaving Certificate candidates can opt to have grades in some or all of their subjects (to be known as “SEC Accredited Grades”) issued to them at the same time as the examination results.
4. The elements of the SEC Accredited Grades system will include the following:
• The professional judgement of each of the candidate’s teachers which will not be subject to appeal
• A form of in-school alignment to ensure fairness amongst candidates at school level
• Approval by the school principal of the estimated subject scores
• A process of standardisation at national level to ensure as much fairness as possible amongst this year’s candidates
• A right for students to appeal in respect of their Accredited Grade which will comprise a process review focused on examining possible errors in the transmission and processing of student data, and
• Provision as far as practicable for out-of-school learners or students studying one or more subjects outside school to apply to receive Accredited Grades through the devising of an appropriate and practicable process
Indicative Dates.
The following indicative dates have been provided by the Department of Education:
• May 14th – Closing date for collection of evidence of learning from 6th year student for the purpose of establishing an estimated mark.
• May 28th – Schools will close for all students to allow the final week for completion of alignment process and data entry related to SEC Accredited Grades by schools.
• June 4th – Closing date for schools to enter/return all data from the school to the SEC relating to SEC Accredited Grades.
• June 9th – Written Leaving Certificate examinations to commence in schools.
• The SEC will issue revised dates for submission of Leaving Certificate course work
• Updates regarding the Leaving Certificate 2021 including an information video can be accessed through the following link Leaving Certificate 2021
While this announcement is welcome and will give some relief and clarity to students, a number of details still remain to be worked out and communicated to us.
As soon as any updates are made available from the Department, we will let you know as quickly as is possible.
We look forward to seeing you all again on Monday, 22nd February when our online classes continue. We will meet you at assembly on Monday 22nd February at 12.15pm. Your parents are very welcome to attend this meeting on Monday as well.
Looking forward to seeing you all on Monday.
Stay safe. Stay well. Stay Learning.
Take care
Kieran Golden Kathleen Daly
Principal Deputy Principal